September 21, 2012

Sam Santos

Model: Izabela Scharf (FORD Models)
Styling: Daniel Mooney 
Photography / Garment / Art Direction: Sam Santos

Searching for new designers, new talents has been my favourite hobby this year. They seem to be fresher than designers who already design a while - "fresh mind" as my mum always says, maybe that's why I LOVE London fashion week.
Sam is a fashion student at Fumec University in Minas Gerais, Brazil, who is only 21 years old. "The concept of this project was a study of curves from architecture and abstract art" - Sam says. With a vintage 1980s camera with a monochrome film and a vintage Kodak pro image 200 iso, the photographs were taken by himself. The garments are made from cotton - 100% cotton, to be specific - in which he hand-painted and pressed the fabric to give it a leather illusion.